How do I change the settings and design of the widget?

Widgets & Styles


+ Click on "Widgets & Templates" 

+Click on "Widgets" and select the widget that needs to be configured

Settings under "General"

+ Address book: Select the address book to which new subscribers should be added

+ Group: Select the group to which new subscribers should be added

+ Border Radius: Provides the rounded corners

+ Box Shadow: Adds shadow effects

+ Border: Border appearance 

Settings under "Contents"

+ Only ask for email address: if enabled, only the email address is requested

+ Enable privacy prompt: if enabled, the user must agree to the privacy policy in order to subscribe

+ Texts: Select the language of the widget

+ Button text: Modify the button text


Settings under "Colors" 

+ Main color: primary font color within the whole widget

+ Accent color: Highlight color for buttons and interactive elements

+ Ambient color: Ambient color in which the widget is embedded.

+ Show other options

+ Error message in case of incorrect subscription: the color of the error message 


Settings under "Typography" 

+ Store settings and select the fonts to be used for the different text passages


Settings under "Tracking"

+ Tracking settings. Buttons should always remain enabled.