How do I create a treatment?



+ Click on the "Contents" 

+ Click on "Treatments"


Before creating a treatment, it is necessary to create a category if one does not already exist:

+ Click on the plus sign on the lower right

+ Click on "Category"

+ Create the categories: 

+ Enter the name

+ Click on "Save"


Now the first treatment for the category can be created:

+ Click on the plus sign on the lower right

+ Click on "Treatment"

+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the left: 

+ Title: Name of the treatment

+ Description: Short description that can be viewed when the customer clicks on the info icon on the website.

+ Images (optional)

+ Interests, travel motives and travel periods (optional): Select one or more keywords

+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the right:

+ Categories: Select one or more of the previously created categories

+ Duration

+ Price

+ Click on "Save"

+ Click on "Publish"

+ Select the language

+ Click on "Save"