Incentive voucher
With the Incentive vouchers feature, users can now seamlessly integrate incentive vouchers into their newsletter campaigns when both the ADDITIVE+ NEWSLETTER and VOUCHER apps are activated.
+ Click on “Incentive vouchers”
+ Click on the plus symbol at the lower right
+ Select “Incentive voucher”
+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the left:
+ Title (e.g. “Incentive Voucher - Valentine's Day”)
INFO: The title is printed on the voucher. It is therefore recommended to include the word “voucher”.
+ Greeting: The greeting message will be printed on the voucher.
+ Terms of use: The terms of use that must be fulfilled to redeem the voucher.
+ Image: Click on “Add image”.
+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the right:
+ Category: By selecting the category, the voucher can be assigned to a specific folder. All vouchers of the same category will be grouped there.
+ Amount: Voucher value, if a value of 0 is entered, the price of €0.00 will NOT be printed on the PDF voucher. If the value is > 0, it will be visible on the voucher.
+ Validity: Select the validity that will be printed on the voucher. The validity can always be extended if necessary.
+ Click on “Save”
+ Click on “Publish”
+ Select the language
+ Click on “Save”