How do I filter my contacts?



+ Select "People"

+ Click on "Search"

+ The following filter options are shown (these may differ depending on your plan and PMS system)

+ Age

+ Language

+ Region/Country

+ Interests

+ Travel motives

+ Favorite time to travel

+ More filters

+ ASA HOTEL (works only if created & assigned manually in ASA beforehand)

+ Buildings: filter by specific codes 

+ Address Groups

+ Last Travel Group: select between various constellations of travel groups

+ Last Pre-Booking: select the booking behavior

+ Last Travel Vehicle: select between different means of transport guest may have used

+ Last Travel Purpose: select of the travel motive

+ Contact Information

+ Birthday

+ Nationality

+ Contactable: select of whether the contact can be contacted by e-mail or telephone

+ Reservation Data Since: possibility of selecting a specific period

+ Stay Duration

+ Booking Lead Time

+ Trip Group

+ Stay Months

+ Past Stays

+ Stays: Number of past stays

+ Stay Year: select the year in which guests stayed at the hotel

+ Last Stay Year: select the year of the last stay

+ Length Of Last Stay

+ Total Stay Duration

+ Reservation Revenue: Select the amount of reservation revenue
+ Revenue from Extras: Select the amount of sales from extras

+ Current and Upcoming Stays

+ Next Stay Year

+ Is Present: select the date when the guests will be present

+ Is Arriving: select the date of the guest's arrival.

+ Is leaving: select the date on which the guest is leaving

+ Has Open Requests

+ Source

+ Facebook Lead Campaign

+ On-Page Lead Campaign

+ TikTok Lead Campaign

+ Referral Marketing Campaign