Corporate Design
+ Access to the app organization
+ Click on "Corporate Design"
Settings under "Colors"
+ Define the colors by entering the hex color code
+ Main color:
+ Color: Primary color of the brand (font color)
+ Contrast color: is used for overlaying texts or icons (surrounding color or white)
+ Accent color:
+ Color: Highlight color for buttons and interactive elements
+ Contrast color: is used for overlaying texts or icons (surrounding color or white)
+ Ambient color: Ambient color in which the widget is embedded.
+ Color: Primary surrounding color
+ Contrast color: is used for overlaying texts or icons (font color)
Settings under "Logo"
+ Logo:
+ Click on "Logo" (minimum resolution 480x480) or "Signet/Favicon" (minimum resolution 512x512) and upload the desired file (preferably PNG, maximum size 2 MB)
Settings under "Typography"
+ Customize the typography:
+ Click on “Add font family” and upload the desired font style
INFO: The font name must exactly match that of the website.
+ Click on the individual font styles and adjust "Font family", "Font Color”, “Font Size". "Line Height", "Letter Spacing”, “Uppercase”.
INFO: It may take up to 10 minutes for the changes to take effect and appear in the A+ APPS.