What do I see in the country evaluation?


In the following table, all reservations (excl. canceled reservations) are analyzed based on the country of residence of the person making the reservation. The reservations are assigned to the respective year based on the date of arrival.



+ Click on "Reports"

+ Click on "Countries”

+ (optional) Select a "Time Span" and/or "Age of the person making the reservation" and/or "Frequency”

+ Summary of country key figures:

+ Region 

+ Country

+ Summary legend:

+ Reservations

+ Arrivals

+ Nights

+ Average Lenght of Stay (Av.L.o.S.)

+ Average Travel Group (Av.T.G.)

+ Average Booking Lead Time (Av.B.L.T.)

+ Average Rooms Revenue (Av.R.R.)

+ Average Extra Revenue (Av.E.R.)

+ Average Total Revenue (Av.T.R.)