What does "Deactivate Inactive Subscribers" mean?


The "Deactivate Inactive Subscribers" setting in ADDITIVE+ NEWSLETTER allows you to identify and deactivate subscribers who haven't interacted with your ADDITIVE+ NEWSLETTER for a specific period.


The "Deactivate inactive recipients" setting has several benefits:

+ Optimization of the distribution list: By removing inactive subscribers, the distribution list will be more relevant and targeted.
+ Increased delivery rate: Having fewer inactive subscribers increases the likelihood that emails reach the right individuals.
+ Cost efficiency: Resources can be used more efficiently.
+ Reputation protection: Focusing on active subscribers emphasizes credibility as a trustworthy sender.


What is the automatic deactivation process for inactive subscribers?
  • Setting parameters: By establishing a threshold for the "Months since last interaction," it is defined how much time must have passed since the recipient's last activity. Simultaneously, by specifying the number of "Emails since last interaction," it is determined how many emails will be sent until a recipient is marked as inactive according to the defined criteria.

  • Identifying inactive recipients: Subscribers meeting both criteria are recognized as inactive.

  • Email warning: Potentially inactive subscribers receive an email notification alerting them to the impending deactivation and containing a link to avoid it.

  • Preventing deactivation: Once the subscriber clicks the provided link, their active status is maintained.

  • Deactivation: In the absence of a response, the subscriber is deactivated and informed through an email notification containing a link to prevent it.

  • Reversing deactivation: The deactivation can be undone by clicking the corresponding link.