What key metrics are there and what do they stand for?


Under reports, all inquiries received in the selected period are analyzed.



+ Click on "Reports"

+ Set observation period

+ Set channel, source, medium, campaign (optional)


The following key figures are provided:

+ Inquiries in this period: Number of generated inquiries and percentage change compared to the previous year

+ Ø Number of inquiries per day: Average number of inquiries generated per day

+ Ø Number of inquiries per week: Average number of inquiries generated per week

+ Ø Length of stay in days: Average length of stay

+ Ø Number of adults: Average number of adults per request

+ Ø Number of children: Average number of children per request

+ Ø Age of children in years: Average age of children

+ Language:

+ Count: (percentage) count

+ Daily: (percentage) count per day

+ Weekly: (percentage) count per week

+ Channels:

+ Count: (percentage) count

+ Daily: (percentage) count per day

+ Weekly: (percentage) count per week

+ UTM Parameters:

+ Count: (percentage) count

+ Daily: (percentage) count per day

+ Weekly: (percentage) count per week

+ Requested stays by length of stay: The following table categorizes all inquiries generated in the selected period based on the respective length of stay, while distinguishing between requests where only adults are indicated and those where children are mentioned as well.
+ Days
+ Count: (percentage) count
+ Adults Only: (percentage) number of adults without kids
+ Children (percentage) number of adults with kids
+ Requested arrivals per month: The following statistics show the number of arrivals per month requested in the selected period. Analogous to the previous detailed evaluations, a distinction is made between indicated adults and children.
+ Month
+ Count: (percentage) count
+ Adults Only: (percentage) number of adults without kids
+ Children (percentage) number of adults with kids
+ Requested stays by number of indicated adults: The following statistics show the number of inquiries made in the selected period based on the number of adults indicated in the respective inquiry. You will also find out what proportion of these fall into the group "adults only" or "adults with children".
+ Adults
+ Count: (percentage) count
+ Adults Only: (percentage) number of adults without kids
+ Children (percentage) number of adults with kids
+ Requested stays by number of children indicated in the inquiry: The following statistics show the number of inquiries made in the selected period based on the number of children indicated in the respective inquiry. 
+ Children
+ Count: (percentage) count
+ Number of indicated children by age: The following statistics show the number of inquiries made in the selected period based on the age of the children indicated in the respective inquiry. 
+ Age
+ Count: (percentage) count