How do I configure the inquiry form?

Landing Pages

The creation of landing pages is only available to persons with ADDITIVE Partner status.



+ Heading: Change the heading in the inquiry form

+ Heading: Booking Last Minute: Change the heading for last minute deal bookings. Only relevant if last-minute offers are available for booking.

+ Text (optional): appears next to the heading

+ Text: Booking Last Minute: Change the text for last minute deal bookings. Only relevant if last-minute offers are available for booking.

+ 'Thank you' text: Appears after the inquiry has been made.

+ Button:

+ Button text: Send form: Change the button text

+ Button Text: Send form again: Change the button text

+ Button Text: Send booking: Change the button text

+ Banner: Displayed at the bottom of the page

+ Text: Change of the banner text

+ Text: Icon: Choose between "flame", "star" and "heart".

+ Quote Text (optional): Enter a short quote

+ Quote Author (optional): Enter the name of the author

+ Button text: Change the button text

+ Price: Set starting price

+ Price information: Selection between "per person and night", "per room" etc.



+ Padding: Padding at the top and bottom can be adjusted

+ Background: Background Color (Content), Background Color (CTA), Background Color (banner) can be adjusted

+ Border: Set Border Radius


+ Channel: Assign the channel "Landing Page"

+ Channel: Marketing Automation: Assign the channel "ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION"

+ Channel: Bookings (optional): Assign the channel "DEALS". Only relevant if last-minute offers are available for booking.

+ Establishments (optional): Assign establishments if available.

+ Room Classification: Select between "Room", "Apartment" and "Suite"

+ Form (optional):

+ Hide form: Move the slider to the right to hide the form

+ Bookable Last Minute Offers: If last-minute offers are to be bookable, move the slider to the right.

+ Show closing periods: If closing periods are to be displayed, move the slider to the right.

+ Blocked Periods (optional): By clicking on "Add date range", periods can be excluded from the form.

+ Input fields (optional):

+ Show input 'title': If the title is to be displayed, move the slider to the right.

+ Show input 'telephone': If the telephone number is to be queried, move the slider to the right.

+ Adult Counts: Define the maximum possible number of adults per inquiry

+ Mark input 'annotation' as required: If the input annotation is to be added as a mandatory field, move the slider to the right.

+ Show input 'children': If children are allowed and desired, move the slider to the right.

+ Minimum Age Children: Set the minimum age

+ Children Count: Define the maximum possible number of children per inquiry

+ Display first year as months: If the first year is to be specified in months, move the slider to the right.

+ Show input 'offer':  If the input offers are to be displayed, move the slider to the right.

+ Show input 'room': If the input rooms are to be displayed, move the slider to the right.

+ Mark input 'room' as required: If the input rooms are to be added as a mandatory field, move the slider to the right.

+ Show accommodations: If accommodations are to be displayed, move the slider to the right. If activated, the accommodations can be entered in "Contents".

+ Newsletter (optional):

+ Show input 'newsletter':  If the input newsletter is to be added, move the slider to the right.

+ Preselect 'newsletter': If the input newsletter is to be preselected, move the slider to the right.

+ Meal Plan (optional):

+ Show meal plan: If the input meal plan is to be added, move the slider to the right.

+ Meal Plan Options: Select between "Overnight stay", "Overnight stay with breakfast", "Half board", "Full board", "All inclusive".

+ Default: Specify which meal plan should be preselected.