How do I unsubscribe contacts from the newsletter?

Address Books


+ Click on "Address Books"

+ Select the address book from which the recipient is to be unsubscribed

+ Click on "Search"

+ Enter the name or e-mail address

+ Click on the desired contact

+ Click on "Unsubscribe" (always unsubscribe the contact instead of deleting it. Otherwise it will be signed in again when importing)

+ A pop-up window opens 

+ Click on "Unsubscribe" 



+ Unsubscribing is more significant than subscribing. The contact can therefore only register again by resubscribing via the newsletter form. But not through an import.

+ Deactivated is displayed in case of hard & soft bounces, i.e. in case of a permanent reason why an e-mail cannot be delivered.

+ If a contact exists in multiple address books, it must be manually unsubscribed from all address books. For this reason, we recommend using only one address book and creating groups if needed.

+ The recipient can unsubscribe himself/herself via the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.