What are last minute deals and how do I create them?


The creation of last minute deals is only available in connection with the ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION.


Last Minute Deals (free capacities that have not been booked shortly before the travel date) are used within the ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION for the following modules:

+ Guest lifecycle emails (Use Case 9a - Last Minute Deals)

+ Social Media Postings (content postings: category deals)

+ Ads (Facebook catalog campaign: category deals)


Last Minute Deals can be created manually within ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - and used via ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION. Alternatively, room, rates (prices), and availabilities can be transmitted automatically to ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS via an AlpineBits interface (works only for ASA or LTS). 


Data exchange

If the interface is activated, room categories, current rates, and availabilities are transmitted. They are turned into "last minute deals" by configuration within ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS. This setting acts as a filter and only imports those rooms that meet all the criteria.



+ Click on "Contents" 

+ Click on "Last Minute Deals"

+ Click on "Configure"

+ Alpinebits ASA Integration:

+ Import last minute deals: Move the slider to the right to activate

+ Create room automatically (optional): Move the slider to the right to activate

ATTENTION: This setting should not be activated if rooms have already been created.

+ Maximum length of stay: Set the limit (e.g. 14 days, therefore only rooms that can be booked for a maximum of 14 days at a time are imported)

+ Days Until Arrival: Set the limit (e.g. 7 days, therefore only rooms whose arrival date is a maximum of 7 days away will be imported)

+ Discount Percentage: Enter a discount

+ Board Basis for Price Calculation:

+ Board Basis: Select between "No service", "Breakfast", "Half board", "Full board", "All inclusive"


ATTENTION: In order for rooms to be imported into ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS, the respective room codes must match!


Create last-minute deals manually



+ Click on "Contents" 

+ Click on "Last Minute Deals"

+ Click on the plus sign on the lower right

+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the left:  

+ Room: Select a room

+ Period: Select a time period in which the room is to be offered as a last minute deal

Interests, travel motives and travel periods (optional): Select one or more keywords

+ Fill in the following fields in the section on the right:

+ Price type: Select between "per person" and "per accommodation unit"

+ Original price: Enter the original price

+ Discounted price: Enter the discounted price

+ Click "Save"

+ Click on "Publish"