What do I see in the conversion attribution?


All conversions on your website and landing pages recorded in the selected period are analyzed and assigned to the "involved" advertising campaigns and/or access sources using the selected attribution method.
For inquiries and online bookings, the resulting reservations and revenue amounts are determined and attributed based on the selected attribution method.



+ Click on "Reports"

+ Set observation period

+ Click on "Filter"

+ Conversion Types:

+ All

+ Inquiries + Bookings

+ Inquiries

+ Bookings

+ Voucher Purchases

+ Attribution Method:

+ Last interaction

+ First Interaction

+ Position based

+ Linear

+ Time Decay

Include Reservation Types: Specify whether "Future Options" and "Cancellations" should be included

Calculation Order: 

+ Source → Medium → Campaign

+ Medium → Source → Campaign

Groupings: Select whether campaigns should be grouped according to the medium.


The following key figures are provided:

Inquiries: Number of inquiry conversions

Bookings: Number of booking conversions via IBE

Voucher Purchases: Number of voucher purchases

Reservations: Number of reservations that have resulted from either inquiries or online bookings

New res.: Number of reservations made from guests that have not made a reservation before

Res. Revenue: Revenue that has resulted from either inquiries or online bookings via IBE

Inquiry Revenue: Reservations found in the Hotel PMS that have resulted from inquiries

Booking Revenue: Reservations found in the Hotel PMS that have resulted from online bookings via IBE
+ IBE Conv.Rev.: Conversion sales from the tracking of online bookings via IBE

Voucher Conv.Rev.: Revenue generated by voucher sales via IBE