What key metrics are there and what do they stand for?


Under "Reports" all interactions on the website and landing pages carried out in the selected period are analyzed and assigned to their corresponding advertising campaigns and/or access sources. For inquiries and online bookings, the resulting reservations and revenue amounts are determined. If advertising accounts are linked, the corresponding expenses are calculated and assigned to the advertising campaigns.



+ Click on "Reports"

+ Set observation period

+ Click on "Filter"

+ Define the filters:

+ Columns: One, several, or all can be selected.

+ Conversion Types

+ Revenue Amounts by Conversion Type

+ Conversion Rates

+ Events

+ Include Reservation Types: Specify whether "Future Options" and "Cancellations" should be included

+ Calculation Order: 

+ Source → Medium → Campaign

+ Medium → Source → Campaign

+ Groupings: Select whether campaigns should be grouped according to the medium.


The following key figures are provided:

+ Sessions: Number of unique website visits by users

+ Users: Unique website visits

+ Events: Recorded events

+ Sessions:Users: Average number of sessions per user

+ Conversions: Number of conversions generated

+ Sessions:Conversions: Ratio of sessions to conversions generated

+ Inquiries: Number of inquiry conversions

+ Bookings: Number of booking conversions via IBE

+ Voucher Purchases: number of voucher purchases

+ Leads: Number of lead conversions

+ Other: Number of online conversions that could not be attributed to one of the previous conversion types

+ Reservations: Number of reservations that have resulted from either inquiries or online bookings

+ New res: Number of reservations made from guests that have not made a reservation before

+ Inq:Res: Conversion Rate - Inquiries vs. Reservations

+ Advertising spend: Budget spent on online advertising

+ Advertising revenue: Revenue generated through advertising

+ ROAS: Calculated R(eturn) O(f) A(dvertising) S(pend)

+ Res. Revenue: Revenue that has resulted from either inquiries or online bookings via IBE

+ Inquiry Revenue: Reservations found in the Hotel PMS that have resulted from inquiries

+ Booking Revenue: Reservations found in the Hotel PMS that have resulted from online bookings via IBE
+ IBE Conv.Rev.: Conversion sales from the tracking of online bookings via IBE

+ Voucher Conv.Rev.: Revenue generated by voucher sales via IBE

+ Value Added: Every visitor, session, conversion, and booking is assigned a certain value. The sum of these values is reported as value added (reservation revenue not considered).

+ Total value added: Every visitor, session, conversion, and booking is assigned a certain value. The sum of these values combined with the reservation revenue is reported as total value added.