What content should be prepared before creating a landing page?

Landing Pages

The creation of landing pages is only available to persons with ADDITIVE Partner status.


Before a landing page is created, it is advisable to prepare several contents (components of the landing page) and settings:


+ Image galleries:

+ Header gallery (selection of images that best represent the hotel - preferably between 8 and 10 images)

+ (Optional) Further theme-specific galleries ("Culinary", "Wellness", etc.) can be created if enough images are available (ideally between 2 and 5). These are displayed on the LP in the top left-hand corner of the header gallery under "Show impressions/Open image gallery"

+ 3 - 5 USPs of the hotel

+ 3 ratings (from Google, HolidayCheck, Booking.com, or Tripadvisor)

+ 3 reviews per language

+ Offers (if packages or offers are available)

+ Rooms: Create all room types

+ Rates and prices

+ An inquiry channel must be created in ADDITIVE+ ENQUIRIES and the text of the autoresponder e-mail must be defined


ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create photo galleries?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create and sort the USPs?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create a rating?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create a review?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create an offer?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create a room?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENTS - How do I create rates and prices?

ADDITIVE+ ENQUIRY - How do I create an ADDITIVE+ ENQUIRY channel?