How does content tagging work?

General Information

After a guest/potential guest has confirmed their interest in the survey, this information can be used to personalize our landing pages. This means that the landing page content (galleries, USPs, reviews, FAQs, rooms, offers) can be marked with the corresponding tags for the respective interests/travel motives/travel times.


For the survey itself, you can define whether the following target page should be a thank you page or a landing page. In the latter case, the tagged content is prioritized. In other words: If a guest chooses "active vacation" as their primary travel motive, this content can be marked as "recommended" on the landing page (applies to rooms and offers) or prioritized in the displayed order.



+ Click on "Contents”

+ Click on "Galleries", "USPs", "Reviews", "FAQs", "Rooms" or "Offers"

+ Click on previously created content

+ Click on the pencil icon

+ Click on "Add  Interests, travel motives and travel periods":

+  Select interests, travel motives and travel times e.g. wellness

+ Click on "Save"


ADDITIVE+ CONTENT - How does the survey feature work?

ADDITIVE+ CONTENT - How do I create a survey?